Saturday, January 31, 2009

operation hb

i am starting this new blog with a mission. OPERATION HB! no it isn't operation hilary baker(although i do love ya sista!), or operation hot buns- although that could be a result of my original mission- it is an operation to find a healthy balance. if anyone out there struggles with eating, dieting, not eating, and not dieting...blah blah blah - all of it, then i welcome you with open arms. i am on a mission to find a balance in eating healthfully, mindfully and socially. it seems like i get into these cycles of really being extremely strict with my eating- not allowing myself any room for wiggle and then i do the extreme opposite and go into vacation mode. on one hand i see calories as the enemy and then on the other hand i forget they exist. i have always been a pretty healthy eater (fruit, fish and veggies-no red meat- staying away from refined sugar and white flour carbs) but at the same time i struggle with that balance...i think we all do. 

my future posts will include pics of what i do choose to eat along this journey to finding a balance and hopefully some funny anecdotes to go with. i would appreciate any comments, suggestions and funny stories any of you have to share. so here's to the finding a healthy balance and hopefully having some fun along the way.